Welcome to Allambi Care Learning

Here you can access short online courses with practical guidance to help you support the young people in your care.

Some of the content discussed in these courses deals with sensitive themes, which can be confronting. 

We advise that you practise self-care and consider taking breaks as needed.

Available Modules

The below modules are available. If they are transparent that is because you don't have access to the module yet.



Ben-2Module 1: Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Families

Presented by Ben Jones, Manager of Learning and Development.

In this module we explain techniques to care for children who have had traumatic experiences.

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Sunet-1Module 2: Circle of Security
Presented by Sunet Russouw

This brief module will help you improve the bond with the young people under your care by focusing on their emotional needs.

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Banner Foster CareModule 3: Functional Living Skills
Part 1

Presented by Seher Suhail


Join in for seven minutes with Seher, as she explains why functional living skills are so important for the people we care for.

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Module 4: Functional Living Skills
Part 2

Tiffany will continue from where Seher left off with training that’s based around functional life skills, increasing independence, and using prompting to teach new skills to children with autism, and children that have cognitive disabilities.

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Module 5: Applied Behaviour Analysis

Trainers: Seher Suhail and Trisha Hanrahan

Applied Behaviour Analysis is founded in research and science. It is one of the most effective approach for kids with autism in particular but also for kids without.

ABA empowers you by demonstrating that the variables responsible for a person’s behaviour are found in the environment and that if we change the environment, we can change behaviour. Therefore your responses can influence the young person’s behaviour, in turn effecting his/ her learning and growth.

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James BellmanModule 6: Managing Hyperactive Behaviour
Presented by James Bellman

James is a senior psychologist at Allambi Care. He takes us through easy-to-understand and practical content that explains what can cause hyperactivity, what strategies we can use to manage this in children and how self-regulation can play an important role.

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Module 7: Foster Care Cultural Training 
Presented by Barry McGrady and Cassandra McCarthy

Barry and Cass are Cultural Support Officers at Allambi Care. This session takes us through the factors that impact the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families today and how Allambi Care can support the needs of Aboriginal children and young people in our care.

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Conversation regarding Bipolar
Module 8: 
Presented by Ian McKracken, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and and Rhys Common, Psychologist.

This session covers what it is to have Bipolar Disorder, what age group is more likely to be diagnosed with it and how it differs from mood swings.

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Module 9: 
Presented by Trisha and Sandra, Behaviour Specialists

In this module Trisha and Sandra, Behaviour Specialists at Allambi, explain what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is and provide strategies to help manage this disorder.

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